Saturday, March 31, 2012

life is a journey

life is a journey

let's walk together,
let's travel to somewhere beautiful,
let's walk together to that beautiful place,

oh yes, walking under the hot sun is very tiring,
we need to take a rest,
look, there's a big tree so we can share the shade,
lets stop for a while and talk about life,

what is life? where its heading to?
is it true that life is a journey,
a journey from one place to another,
a place where we need to understand why and where?

oh look! the hot sun sent away,
let's continue our journey,
and if the hot sun come again,
we stop at another tree,

life is a journey, 
life is; a journey.


1. my best friend
2. picture by
robteather 'classic shade tree' at

3. you


bootet_nuruL said...

Life is a journey...
We all have to travel alone...
Nobody would be in our journey...
The journey is everlasting...

The ups and downs would be there...
Feeling low and high would keep on...
But this is the ordeal of our life...
We have to be very bold and strong...

The journey is full of joys and sorrows...
The journey would appear empty and lonely..
But we have to move ahead not back...
The journey would be boring and tedious...

When we just get through the journey...
Then the real taste of life we come to know...
We forget all our troubles and obstacles...
The is the journey which we ever knew...

~lots of LOVE!

riha said... are right.

life is a journey.
to find the true meaning of life.
to find our true identity.

and alsa,

to find the true love.

**is love really exist in this world??
**still not sure.

namoyaki said...

thank you very much bootet_nuruL for your kind words,
there is a journey,
and there is a destiny,
we can travel together if you allow it to be,
i am with you,

there is a 'beautiful things' that always with there with you,
and that 'beautiful things' called 'love',
love, always looking at you,

look at it,
so 'love' know that you observed,
look at it,
so it will be bind while you are looking at it,
look at it,
and its there floating in the air,
look at it,
so you will know 'how' to catch it.

'catch it'!

riha said...

catct it?

im too scared of being hurt